Thursday, June 27, 2013


Time is the factor that reveals what is truly real and what is simply a temporary phase in life. An individual may favor a new color frequently as he or she matures. Another individual may favor the same color over the course of his or her lifetime, revealing that this color is, in fact, the favorite and is unlikely to vary. 

With time comes experience, and with experience comes knowledge. True knowledge only exists from actual experience. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Simple Hypothesis of Mankind's End

As man's population increases, the average human lifespan will decrease.

While flies and other insects overpopulated the earth, their lifespans last only a matter of days.

Lower life expectancies in overpopulated countries can be blamed on poor healthcare, but it can also show the adaptation of the human species to the conditions of a largely populated area.

The excessive consumption of the planet's resources leaves humans the need to live shorter lives in order to maintain a working society.

Humans have only encouraged the degradation of the human species.

Regardless of advances in birth control, many more births occur than in previous decades. Birth control has led to more pregnancies due to the expectation that one can have significantly more unresponsive sex without the risk of pregnancy.

Birth itself naturally distinguishes natural selection, but advances ensure the high possibility of both mothers and babies surviving child birth. This is clearly a benefit in that more lives are saved, however, it is a large disruption in the natural order. The inability of nature to eliminate individuals at birth or during child birth allows the population to significantly grow in size. Not just in size, but in unfit individuals. Thus, many more resources are expended to promote an undesirable society.

Many young pregnancies occur and raising a family often precedes college and career. This leads to a hurt economy and a less educated population. Uneducated humans vote for unworthy rulers. The population, at this rate, will soon consist if merely ignorance and impulsiveness.

Evidence of these claims can be found in the details of society. Earlier puberty and just the proactive ness of youth both sexually and socially. The necessity of a decent lifespan is significantly less.

The end of man is evident, and many factors will contribute. It is to be determined what will be the final push.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ode To The Herb

Blessed be the herb Mother Nature has gifted to us. In the worlds where God exists, blessed be the herb that God has provided to us.

May it prosper, may we prosper, may the inhabitants of the Earth indulge in it. No other way may we embrace our inner beings.

May we connect with our supernatural warriors and the rebellious voices that compell us to think and act. For the herb is only of this world.

May we cast aside our violence and rules. May the humans of the Earth unite under peace and the harmony and insight the herb provides.

May we all share the bond; old and young, Muslim and Athiest, rich and poor, priest and murderer. May we puff the same blunt and pack the same bowl.

May we participate in conversations deeper than society permits. May we not disdain the herb for its harmonious power, for it threatens the disastrous world we have created.

May we allow the herb to empower, relieve, and cure what is weak and calm what is violent and harsh. We exist together, therefore we must love and hurt together.

Ode to the herb that has suggested friendship in a world of hate and life in a society of death. Let us embrace its power and bring peace to mankind.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


A common drive for human beings is religion. In times of tragedy, it is common to justify the circumstances with the idea that 'God did this for a reason.' Well there is no reason God would create the tragedy. God did not create it. In fact, there is no God.

Humans have the tendency to seek explanation for everything. Tragedy occurs only in the minds of humans. These tragedies are only caused by human error, whether it is the victim's or another's. Humans fail to understand that life moves on; they say the words but do not embrace the concept fully.

There is no deep reasoning behind tragic situations. There is no plan in place and no lesson meant to be learned. In the search for something greater, humans blind themselves from the simple reality that things just happen. Balance is always achieved in nature. Some die so that others can be born.

Humans fight nature with all of their power with no gain to show for it. Humans are the only animals to reject living in harmony with nature. Purifying forrest fires are put out. Chemical infested life killing cement is laid over the grass and dirt that provides homes and food for many species.

A tragedy happens simply because events led up to it happening. Victims are merely victims and are not specially chosen by a supernatural force to return to the sky. Peace can be found in the logical knowledge of why and what occurred. The acceptance that life is just another life in the universe can set one free.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Maintain Decency

Sometimes we are faced with opposing forces, only motivated by the suffering of their victims' souls. We resent these monsters and cast harshness upon them. Let them not penetrate our spirits and unmotivate our ambitions, for they are the ones going to hell. If you believe in hell, that is. I do not. I do believe in karma, however, and anticipate every demon will get their own. I feel no need to start a war and downgrade myself to their status. I will not allow their cruelty and corruption to invade my thoughts and change my morals. When the world ends, whenever that may be, their corpses will be the ones who harbor their souls for eternity. May they never be free to wander the heavens or infinity, or wherever they intend to dwell. As for us, we shall lay in peace, because we maintained our decency when decency was almost impossible to maintain.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank The Earth

We must view the Earth as a blessing. Every living thing is born, prospers, and meets its demise on this earth. Every life is of value. A small plant is the air we breathe; every animal adds to the population, making the planet abundant with life. Every repulsive insect and four-legged beast is a crucial part of the life cycle, food chain, and planet as a whole. These lives are of great value to every human being. So we must cherish what surrounds us and accompanies us. Appreciate that we are not alone on this planet. Without trees there would be no shade or homes for the creatures who live among them. Everything serves a purpose and we must be thankful we are a part of the Earth.